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Four picture collage of Auer Steel & Heating Supply Company and Finken Companies presenting at the CEC.

Thank you again to Greg Olson (Auer Steel & Heating Supply Company) and Mike Blaskowski (Finken of St. Cloud) for another great presentation about the world of HVAC. Presenters like these give our students at the CEC hands-on experience and get them interested in a career field they may have never thought of before.

ECC students at SCTCC listening to a speaker.

Thank you to school board member Doug Dahlberg from Pine Country Bank! Doug took time from his busy schedule to come and educate the CEC students on identity theft and scams, building credit, mortgages and car loans, personal banking, and investing in yourself by making your money work for you! We appreciate your time and continued support of the CEC. 

ECC students at SCTCC listening to a speaker.

SCTCC never disappoints! 24 CEC students headed south to the SCTCC campus this past Wednesday. They got the FULL tour and even got to play in the "sandbox", examine the human body on their state of the art Anatomage table, walk through the brand new robotics lab, and meet some of the great SCTCC faculty and staff. Thank you for an enlightening and inspiring experience, SCTCC! 

CEC students in the CLC building in front of the CLC letters.

Last week, the CEC students took a trip to CLC. The students got to see multiple programs in action and participated in some great discussions. These trips are vital to encouraging the Enroll and Employ aspects of the CEC's 3 E's focus this year. They are hoping to head south to SCTCC to compare and contrast the two campuses and all they have to offer. Students will also get the opportunity in the coming weeks to start their college applications.

Rural Minnesota CEP visits the CEC.

Thank you to David Stumpf and Samantha Froelich from Rural Minnesota CEP for presenting to a group of 24 students today at the CEC. They spoke to the students about Rural Minnesota CEP and their programs, employment and career opportunities in the area, essential job skills for success, and summer employment programs. If you are interested in presenting information about your company, professional field, or programs offered, please contact Christie Halliday at the CEC to get on the schedule!

The Merit Scholarship recipients gathered for a photo

With the start of the new school year fast approaching, the CEC Director of Operations, Christie Halliday, took some time to reflect on last year’s graduation ceremonies. The Class of 2023 consisted of 31 determined and driven students. The ceremonies took place May 18 th, 2023, and the gym at the CEC was standing-room only. The ceremonies were led by Christie Halliday, and Anthony Kula, CEC Math teacher and advisor, delivered the graduation message.